as a family, as a couple
or find yourself
Hudson Valley Family Therapy specializes in therapy for young children, parenting support, as well as individual therapy for adolescents, adults and couples counseling. Our therapy is conveniently located, affordable and healthcare recognized - so anyone who struggles with life’s challenges can get the help they need, when they need it!
Signs you or your child
could benefit from therapy
Are you feeling overwhelmed, with a prolonged sense
of helplessness and sadness?
Are you feeling that problems don’t seem to get better?
Are you experiencing excessive worry, expecting the
worst or are constantly on edge?
Do you have the desire to lead a happier and healthier life?
Is Your Child having behavior problems at home, school, or daycare?
Do you spend a lot time arguing with your child?
Does your child throw temper tantrums or refuse to obey commands?
Do you find yourself yelling at your child or losing your temper?
Are you spending a lot of time disciplining your child?
Is your child shy, withdrawn, or have low self-esteem?
Does your child have difficulty attending?
Happy Clients
"...I've totally reconnected
with my child"
"...PCIT completely changed the way my family interacts"
"... Sessions were fun... skills were easy to grasp and implement"